Secure your email by using a digital signature

Secure your email by using a digital signature is an option to make your email more secure. A digital signature isn't the same as a...

Common Ports and Their Associated Protocols in Networking

Port Number Associated Protocol (or Keyword) TCP/UDP Usage Secure Version and Port Usage 21 FTP TCP FTPS, port 989/990 Transfers files from host to host. 22 SSH TCP or UDP Secure Shell: Remotely administers network devices and systems. Also used by Secure Copy...

Protected: Security and Risk Management

Security management encompasses the administrative, technical and physical controls necessary to adequately protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability which is known as the CIA Triad of information assets.

Useful Tools for security and networking

Useful ToolDescriptionPiriform's CCleanerThis is a great utility that will scrub your system clean.CPUID's CPU-ZThe utility to find out the specs of the CPU on your...